SV Werder strongly condemn racially-motivated attack on club employee

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SV Werder strongly condemn a racially-motivated attack on a club employee (Photo: W.DE).
Tuesday, 10.05.2022 / 09:34

SV Werder Bremen are deeply shocked to learn that a club employee was targeted, racially abused and physically attacked in a racially-motivated attack in Bremen last weekend.

SV Werder “strongly condemn” this attack, and will continue to take a firm stance against all forms of discrimination, intolerance and racism, as emphasised by Werder president and CEO, Dr. Hubertus Hess-Grunewald.

“In the past, we have always made our values and our stance explicitly clear with our actions and strong messaging showing that we are against racism in any form. This shocking incident should serve to show all of us that racism remains a real issue, not just elsewhere, but right here in Bremen, close to SV Werder. All of us at Werder, from the players to the fans and employees need to take a stand for an open, tolerant and colourful society, in which racism has no place;” Dr. Hess-Grunewald said.  

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